Monday, April 03, 2006

Great Jehosaphat's Ghost!

Man! What a long, boring diatribe that last post was, huh? Friggin' A, son! What was I thinkin'? Could have just written "Jessica's my car. I won her in Vegas. The End", but nooooo! Got to get all "14 fragmented thoughts" and all that.
My apologies.
Anywho, so today I began to learn about the new automated scheduling program we're gonna roll out at work next month. Well, first off, I should have known something was wrong when it takes 6 HOURS of training for an "automated" scheduling program. I mean, what's to learn, right?
However, some of you know how dense I can be, so let's look at the next clue. If the training wasn't a dead give away, Mr. Brickwood should have been. You see, Mr. Brickwood tested this software last year, so when the time rolled around for me to learn it I figured "Hey! Go to the source!". I mean my boy's already done this. So I call up Mr. Brickwood, and within two minutes of launching our "Workbrain" conversation (Yes, the damn thing's called "Workbrain"! How stupid is that?) Mr. Brickwood, who's normally VERY composed, has devolved into monsyllabic non-sensical word salad with every question I ask.
Yup. Should have known it was gonna be a bad day, right then.

John McDonald
Sent from my Treo


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