Thursday, April 06, 2006

Okee Adventures Part IV

Also, for those of you that can't IMAGINE wanting to go out into the swamp, let me dispel a few myths.
1. "You'll be carried away by mosquitos."
-Depending on the time of year the bugs are almost non-existent. We encountered nothing more than GORGEOUS flies, both butter and dragon variaties.
2. "The place is so remote there is NO civilization."
-Simply not true. There were even "facilities", although none of us braved them.
3. "Swamps are ugly."
-So are you! No seriously, the swamp is one of the most majestic places on earth. In fact, not only can you see truly wild alligators, the swamp is the only place I've ever encountered Georgia Black bears, Bald Eagles, Giant Herons, AND one TRULY AMAZING Florida Panther (no, not this trip).
4. "Crazy people live in the swamp."
-NO, not anymore. Its federally protected. Now AROUND the swamp...

John McDonald
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